Our blood is sacred
let's give it back to mother earth &
create a network for the wellbeing of all
Welcome to the red net!
This is a network / movement
to honor our essence and our true nature,
to join forces and individually yet together
consciously claim our creative power.

Our individual prayer,
in worldwide (blood) sisterhood,
for the wellbeing of all.
We live in a time when our conscious actions are more necessary than ever if we want to regain and preserve our true nature.
Each of our words, breaths and movements have an impact on the big picture. Let us remember our co-creative power and learn to apply it again for the highest good of all.

Our blood is our essence on a material level. Our menstrual blood carries the magic of creativity and creation itself.
Let us give importance to this sacred substance again, break the taboos, honor what is truly sacred! Let us weave a web of essence, healing, benevolent alignment, intention and love with and through our creative power.
We can be part of the change, we can honor, celebrate and embody our true nature again.
We can send a powerful sign every month, do a prayer, with and through our blood, for the good of our highest intention, for the good of Mother Earth and all life,
Every month, very specifically, multidimensional.

Giving our blood to mother earth connects our essence with hers. Our whole being remembers unity. As a result, our energy flows more naturally and we can experience healing on many levels.
Many of us give our blood to the earth already every month. If this healing act already belongs to your practice, please join our rednet to make your prayer visible.
If this is new to you, you will find suggestions and instructions in the submenu.
HERE you can find information / suggestions for collecting / collecting the blood
HERE you can find information / suggestions about giving / handing over the blood to Mother Earth

The red network is a movement, a commitment. A way of coming together with the intention and alignment for the wellbeing of all.
First and foremost, we call all beings who bleed monthly to give their blood to Mother Earth.
And everyone who feels called to bring his / her action / prayer / intention into this network.
Joining this network is a multidimensional gift & sacred game. You become part of a worldwide (blood)sisterhood. We are linked as a network, inspire and support each other and share our creativity. Each in their own unique, individual way, seen, celebrated, together, for the well being of the bigger picture, the tribe, mother earth, our highest purposes.
This network is a basis to connect and align with the ancient wisdom of healing, consiousness and creation.
This network / movement shows and grows with every new thread, with every new sister, with you! Information on cycle awareness, indigenous knowledge, art, interchange, physical & online meetings, dances, ceremonies are just a few expressions that this network can and will find. Be a part, let the power of the essence guide us and follow this red thread with dedication, joy and trust!
Sign up here and become part of the network. This gives you access to our worldwide network, you can enter yourself on our interactive map, visually see the red network, and benefit from a lot of future information and exchange. Welcome!